In the late 1960s Ann began a self-directed meditative practice of daily drawing that continued for the next decade. Working on thin, cheap, readily available paper her practice revolved around finding a time alone (her first child was born in 1969), discharging whatever emotion she was carrying and then with a clear mind, visualising an image by Austin Osman Spare which she had found as a young woman in a flea market. The face in the image would come towards her in her minds eye and then she would draw. Starting at the centre of the A4 paper and working until the time or image were complete. Some of these extended into more intricate coloured works. Others were never resolved entirely. Around 80 of these drawings survive and a selection are below. Each one dated in the artist’s hand. Together these intricate abstract drawings explore an inner sphere and language that is uniquely Ann’s.

DAILY DRAWINGS (1968 - 1982)


Grandine, London, 2018